soon to be an uncle

I'm an oldest child. I'm 31. I have a 26 year old sister, an 18 (19 in 3 weeks) year old brother, and a 16 year old sister. In about 6 weeks, I'll be an uncle for the first time...and thankfully, not because of the 18 or the 16 year old sibling! My sister Kari and her husband Rodney are due with their first child in September...quite possibly on the same day as her own birthday.

On Friday, we'll be driving to Kentucky to spend the weekend with them and will have the chance to see much of our extended family. The last time I saw Kari was last Christmas, and the last time we were able to travel to Kentucky was November 2004, so I've not seen much of my extended family in almost 3 years. Pretty exciting. Luckily, my parents have taken Eli home with them a couple of times in the last 18 months to spend 3-4 days, so he's been able to see his grandparents and get acclimated with his dad's side of the family.

The picture is my sister and Eli from about a month ago. I know it's blurry, but that's because it was taken on Eli's Little Tikes digital camera. Basically, it's a digital camera for young kids. It looks like binoculars and is encased in rubber. Has a digital screen like normal digital cameras, and is very easy for kids to use, but doesn't produce the greatest quality of images.

And let me apologize to Kari ahead of time for not getting her permission to post this picture on the web! =) Notice Eli holding his tummy? When Kari explained there was a baby in her tummy, he became convinced that he had one in his tummy too. Hence the tummy holding. Funny kid. And funny word...tummy. I feel kinda weird for using it 5 times in one paragraph.

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