Nine days without meat.

And I'm still alive! =)


Anonymous said...

Does your body feel better?

Anonymous said...

I feel okay. I can tell I'm going through a slight "adjustment" period..."withdrawal" may be a better word. But I don't feel sick or anything.

And I've also lost 3 pounds.

Shelley said...

If I want to avoid meat, i just look at it raw, then I get sick.

Nothing like bones, sinew and veins to make you gag.

bill said...

that picture makes me want to eat my computer screen. Mmmm. i love me some cow.

Anonymous said...

have you started listening to widespread panic yet? How are the dreads coming?

This is challenging for me. I have LONG had a "No being friends with hippies" policy. I'm not sure I can be friends with someone who won't go out for burgers with me.

- Greg