i'm a little behind

Sorry I haven't said much in the last week. I've been pretty good at posting regularly. However, I've been totally swamped. I've got more to do at work than I can even stomach thinking about. On top of that, I started getting sick on Monday. I worked late Monday, and 3 times before I left work, I was hugging the toilet trying to puke. When I'm sick, I usually feel better if I puke. But nothing...just a bunch of dry heaving. The whole way driving home I was praying that I wouldn't have to pull over to the side of the road. Thanks God. Missed work yesterday sick. Did nothing but lay in bed and on the couch from 7:00pm Monday night until 4:00pm Tuesday afternoon. Now back at work....and even more behind. Hence the lack of posting. And the lack of constructive thought.

Tomorrow after work, I'm heading out with some guys from church on a little 2 day disc golf trip through east Tennessee. I'm siked up, but I'm already preparing for the fact that my arm might practically fall off before we get back. I'm definitely packing lots of Ibuprofen. Wish me luck.

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